Want Fresh Produce Every Week? Want to Support the Youth Farm?
Vegetable Share
• Members receive a box of 6-12 vegetables and herbs every week for 22 weeks.
• CSA runs from the third week of June to the second week of November.
• Farm share costs between $500-$625 on a sliding scale. You may pay up front or in two installments.
• If you can’t use a whole share or are going away for part of the season, share your share with someone else, or donate your share while you’re gone.
Membership granted on a first come first serve basis. CSA membership is not tax deductible.
CSA Pick-up Sites & Days:
Shambhala Yoga and Dance Studio: Mondays, 5:00-8:00pm
What is a CSA?

Why Join?
• It’s affordable! For about $22 a week, you will be getting 6-12 fresh organic vegetables and herbs; that’s a lot cheaper than buying from a supermarket!
• It’s fresh & local! All the food is produced right here at the High School, tended to and cared for by our students and farm managers. We harvest the produce the day of pick up; you can’t get fresher than that!
• It’s healthy and tasty! Because we give you the produce the same day we harvest, the produce won’t lose precious nutrients and flavor from storage or shipping. Additionally, all our produce is produced organically; that means no toxic pesticides or herbicides are in your food or polluting the environment.

Every week we put together a CSA Newsletter with information about the shares, recipe ideas, news and notes about the farm and an introduction to some of our staff and apprentices.