Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Help us with our fundraiser to hold Undoing Racism & Oppression Workshops!

We want to offer an intensive Undoing Racism and Oppression workshop to our dedicated group of youth farmers and community activists, apprentices and staff.  
Understanding racism is hard work, and understanding how to work towards personal and institutional change is even harder. Please help us work on these important topics so that we can improve our lives and our community fully through our work as food justice advocates and community change agents. 

The workshops will focus on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone. Our workshops will utilize a systemic approach that emphasizes learning from history, developing leadership and maintaining accountability to communities, creating networks, undoing internalized racial oppression and understanding the role of organizational gate keeping as a mechanism for perpetuating racism.

We are so excited to be partnering with 2 amazing experienced NYC based facilitators,

Monica Dennis is a Community Organizer and Anti Oppression Trainer. She is also the Co-Founder of The Spirit of A Woman Leadership Development Institute a community-based organization committed to creating transformative and inspiring educational experiences. S.O.W. believes that focused attention on how we frame educational and societal experiences greatly impacts the cultural, academic, social and personal development of young people and educators, in particular, and the community as a whole. 

For the past 20 years, she served as a consultant and an advisor to various global organizations, and academic and religious institutions, seeking her expertise on implementing her youth leadership model into their programming.
-       Find out more about  Monica HERE

Rachael Ibrahim has spent over nine years as a community organizer and the past five years with a greater focus on youth populations.  Rachael’s work is grounded in leadership development, civic responsibility and social action.  Using her passion for the fine arts and the African Diaspora, Rachael has worked with student groups to create social change locally and globally using an anti-oppression framework.  

Rachael has conducted numerous trainings with adults and young people on topics ranging from team building, community development, conflict resolution, anti-oppression, addressing the isms, and community service learning theories and application. 
-       Find out more about Rachael HERE

We know that to achieve food justice we must address issues of racism and oppression. Please help us by donating today. 

The Youth Farm is an educational production farm in central Brooklyn that offers New Yorkers opportunities to increase their knowledge of the food system and build high level organic growing skills to share with their communities. The Youth Farm grows organic food and flowers on one acre for the community and beyond, and offers advanced farm training and leadership opportunities for youth and adults.